Information about CIB W-51 Acoustics Meeting in Warsaw - 25-27 May 1994


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The Information Council for Building Research Studies and Documentation is an international organization concerned with studies, research and documentation in the building industry. It unites 70 countries. It has over 500 collective and individual members. Over 70 International Committees and Working Groups operate within CIB. One of them is the W-51 Acoustics Committee. The Committee is headed by Prof. A. Cops and Prof. G. Vermeir from the Catholic University in Leuven. The W-51 Acoustics Committee consists of the representatives of Research Centers, dealing with building acoustics, requiring more in -depth theoretical and experimental examination, are discussed during these meeatings. Discussions are held on the chosen scientific issues, study and measurement methods, and the results of studies obtained in the last several years in the various Institutes are analyzed. Scientific presentations are prepared for the Committee meetings and these are later presented and discussed at the seminar. Later on these papers are prepared - according to the publisher's requirements - for publication in Applied Acoustics. A collective publication is prepared from each seminar, which includes the written and presented papers. This publication includes the papers presented at the meeting of the CIB W-51 Acoustics Committee on May 25-27, 1994 in Warsaw. The seminar in Warsaw was devoted to two very significant groups of topics, namely: I. Experimental study and modeling of sound insulation in construction building joints in buildings. II. Sound absorption, shape and indicator of reference curve, measurement and desing. A total of 21 papers were announced 11 - in Section I, 10 - in Section II; 18 papers were presented. From which 16 were delivered in the form of xerox-copied publications the remaining 2 due to research being in progress, were only presented, and will be published at a later date in Applied Acoustics. Three papers were not sent in their authors were also absent. A list of the presented papers, according to the program of the meeting, is given. Participation in the CIB W-51 Acoustics Committee meeting undoubtedly allowed its participants to confront the progress of studies conducted on similar topics in the various countries, as well as facilitated better planning in the area of building acoustics studies to be carrier out in the forthcoming years. Prof Andre Cops Laboratory for Acoustic and Thermal Physics Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium Prof Gerrit Vermeir Laboratory for Building Physics Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium Prof Jerzy Sadowski Zakład Akustyki Instytutu Techniki Budowlanej Presented papers Theme 1 - JUNCTION DAMPING: modeling, experiments 1. Bosmans I., Mees., Vermeir G. (Belgium), Structure-borne sound transmission between thin orthotropic plates: analytical solution. 2. Craik R. (England), Osipow A. (Russia), The use of elestic interlayers at joints to reduce structure-borne sound transmission. 3. Villot M., Jean P. (France), Structure-borne sound transmission through a pillar-beam-floor system. Case of bulidings constructed on top of covered railways. 4. Pedersen D.B. (Denmark), Estimation of vibration attenuation through junctions of building structures. 5. Gerretsen E. (The Netherlands), Junction transmission with double-leafbuilding elements. Theme 2 - JUNCTION DAMPING: examples, applications 1. Nightingale T. (Canada), Application of the CEN draft building acoustics prediction model to a lightweight double leaf construction. 2. Martin H.J., Moorlach M.F.C. (The Netherlands),Sound transmission and junction damping in sheet steel dwellings. 3. Szudrowicz B., Iżewska A. (Poland), Simplified evaluation of flanking transmission based on the mean mass and mean area of flanking elements. 4. Pietrzyk A., Kropp W., Kihlman T. (Sweden), Numerical simulation of low frequency air-borne sound transmission in buildings. Theme 3 - SOUND ABSORBTION: reference artefacts, measurement, design 1. Vorländer M. (Germany), Reverbation room measurements and preparations of round robin tests on the sound absorption coefficient of reference artefacts. 2. Kristiansen U.R., Vigran T.E. (Norway), On the design resonant absorbers. 3. Chyla A., Czyżewski K., Nurzyński J. (Poland), Reverberation time: comparison of measurement results obtained in the laboratory using different methods and instrumentation. 4. Mirowska M. (Poland), Sound absorption of spatial acoustics absorbers, laboratory measurements, repeatibility, reproducibility. Theme 4 - SOUND ABSORPTION MEASUREMENT: simulation, experiments, in-situ mesurement 1. Mees P., Vermeir G. (Belgium), Numercal simulation of sound absorption in reverbation rooms. 2. Cops A., Vanhaecht J., Leppens K. (Belgium), Sound absorbtion in a reverberation room: causes of discrepancies on measurement results. 3. Mommertz E. (Gremany), Angle-dependent in situ measurements of the complex reflection coefficient using a subtraction technique. 4. Madalik L. (Estonia), Measurements and computer simulation of soundfield of the St. Charles' Church in Tallin.





pp. 416-418



How to Cite

none, none. (2014). Information about CIB W-51 Acoustics Meeting in Warsaw - 25-27 May 1994. Archives of Acoustics, 20(4), 416-418.