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- A. Pawełek, Z. Jasieński, S. Pilecki, W. Bochniak, Acoustic emission dependence on grain size in copper , Archives of Acoustics: Vol. 18 No. 3 (1993)
- A. Pawełek, S. Pilecki, Acoustic emission during nonhomogeneous tensile deformation of ARMCO-iron , Archives of Acoustics: Vol. 18 No. 1 (1993)
- A. Pawełek, S. Pilecki, Soliton models of dislocation and acoustic emission in metallic materials , Archives of Acoustics: Vol. 25 No. 3 (2000)
- A. Pawełek, A. Piątkowski, Z. Jasieński, S. Pilecki, The influence of orientation on the behaviour of the acoustic emission in face centered cubic metal single crystals compressed in a channel-die , Archives of Acoustics: Vol. 24 No. 1 (1999)
- F. Dušek, C. Seidl, J. Siedlaczek, S. Pilecki, The acoustic emission transducer calibration using spark method , Archives of Acoustics: Vol. 15 No. 3-4 (1990)
- S. Pilecki, J. Siedlaczek, Application of the acoustic emission method in fatigue cracking and fracture toughness estimation for steel , Archives of Acoustics: Vol. 15 No. 3-4 (1990)
- J. Siedlaczek, S. Pilecki, F. Dušek, Low-cycle fatigue investIgation by acoustIc emission method , Archives of Acoustics: Vol. 15 No. 3-4 (1990)
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- A.M. Leksovskij, S. Pilecki, G.N. Gubanova, The development of deformation process in carbon fiber reinforced plastics and metals on acoustic emission data , Archives of Acoustics: Vol. 20 No. 3 (1995)