100-th AES Convention in Copenhagen


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Audio Engineering Society Conventions are organized regularly on a worldwide scale twice a year. The Spring Conventions in Europe are detoned with subsequent even numbers, while the Fall Conventions in America - with odd ones. All AES Conventions, apart from other more specialized meetings, such as e.g. AES Conferences, separately numbered, bear a specified character. They are, first of all, organizational meetings of the AES-Board of Governors with the Region- and Section-Officers, and Members of numerous AES Committees, as well of the Headquarters and Regional Offices. All members comming from various countries work together intensively during the Convention days, taking advent age of the direct personal contacts and opportunity for discussion. It should be noticed here that the AES, although registered in its actual legal stature in the USA in 1955, was founded already in 1948 and had started its broader activities with First Convention held in New York City in 1949. The AES soon became a true international society. Actually, there are 92 AES Sections all over the World, 48 being in the USA. All AES Sections are grouped into seven AES Regions: three in North America (USA and Canada), three in Europe, and one for Sections situated in other parts of the World. So much of the general information about AES on the occasion of its jubilee Convention. The 100th Convention held at the Bella Center in Copenhagen, on May, 11 to 14, 1996 was, due to its "rounded" number, the Jubilee event for the AES, and so it was treated by the Danish Section Organizing Committee. Thanks to its initiatives a major historical landmark was achieved with this Convention. The number of submitted papers was the greatest ever received by the AES Convention and after selection 155 were chosen for presentation; up to three parallel sessions were organized in order to accommodate them. The number of workshops was also greater than ever. It should be added that Copenhagen was declared for the year 1996 the Cultural Capital of Europe, which contributed to the attractiveness of the Convention due to the number of accompanying events in the City, which were very interesting for the visitors.





pp. 459-462



How to Cite

none, none. (2014). 100-th AES Convention in Copenhagen. Archives of Acoustics, 21(4), 459-462. https://acoustics3.ippt.pan.pl/index.php/aa/article/view/1014