An Improved EMD Method Based on Utilizing Certain Inflection Points in the Construction of Envelope Curves


  • Mohsen KAFIL 1) Isfahan University of Technology 2) Mobarakeh Steel Company
  • Kaveh DARABI Mobarakeh Steel Company
  • Saeed ZIAEI-RAD Isfahan University of Technology



empirical mode decomposition (EMD), interpolation points, envelope curve, inflection points, rolling element bearing fault diagnosis


The empirical mode decomposition (EMD) algorithm is widely used as an adaptive time-frequency analysis method to decompose nonlinear and non-stationary signals into sets of intrinsic mode functions (IMFs). In the traditional EMD, the lower and upper envelopes should interpolate the minimum and maximum points of the signal, respectively. In this paper, an improved EMD method is proposed based on the new interpolation points, which are special inflection points (SIPn) of the signal. These points are identified in the signal and its first (n − 1) derivatives and are considered as auxiliary interpolation points in addition to the extrema. Therefore, the upper and lower envelopes should not only pass through the extrema but also these SIPn sets of points. By adding each set of SIPi (i = 1, 2, n) to the interpolation points, the frequency resolution of EMD is improved to a certain extent. The effectiveness of the proposed SIPn-EMD is validated by the decomposition of synthetic and experimental bearing vibration signals.


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pp. 389–401


Research Papers

How to Cite

KAFIL, M., DARABI, K., & ZIAEI-RAD, S. (2023). An Improved EMD Method Based on Utilizing Certain Inflection Points in the Construction of Envelope Curves. Archives of Acoustics, 48(3), 389–401.