Application of a Phase Resolved Partial Discharge Pattern Analysis for Acoustic Emission Method in High Voltage Insulation Systems Diagnostics


  • Michał KUNICKI Opole University of Technology
  • Andrzej CICHOŃ Opole University of Technology



acoustic emission, partial discharge, transformer diagnostics, insulation system


An alternative method for analysis of acoustic emission (AE) signals generated by partial discharges (PD), based on a correlation between voltage phase run and AE pulses, so called phase resolved PD pattern (PRPD), is presented in the paper. PRPD pattern is a well-known analysis tool commonly used in such PD diagnostic methods as conventional electrical and UHF ones. Moreover, it yields various signal analysis abilities and allows a direct correlation indication between measurement results achieved using different methods. An original PRPD measurement methodology applied for AE method as well as some exemplary measurement results and further data analysis capabilities are presented in the paper. Also a comparative analysis of PRPD patterns achieved using various measurement methods and different PD source configurations have been investigated. All presented experiments were done under laboratory conditions using PD model sources immersed in the insulation oil. The main purpose of the presented research is to indicate an all-embracing analytical tool that yields an ability to direct comparison (qualitative as well as quantitative) of the AE measurement results with other commonly applied PD measurement methods. The presented results give a solid fundamental for further research work concerning a direct correlation method for AE and other described in the paper diagnostic techniques, mainly in order to continue PD phenomena analysis and assessment in real life high voltage apparatus insulation systems under normal onsite operation conditions.


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pp. 235–243


Research Papers

How to Cite

KUNICKI, M., & CICHOŃ, A. (2018). Application of a Phase Resolved Partial Discharge Pattern Analysis for Acoustic Emission Method in High Voltage Insulation Systems Diagnostics. Archives of Acoustics, 43(2), 235–243.

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