Application of Teager Energy Operator on Linear and Mel Scales for Whispered Speech Recognition


  • Branko R MARKOVIĆ School of Electrical Engineering
  • Jovan GALIĆ School of Electrical Engineering
  • Miomir MIJIĆ School of Electrical Engineering



Teager energy operator, cepstral mean subtraction, whispered speech recognition, linear scale, mel scale, dynamic time warping, hidden Markov models


This paper presents experimental results on whispered speech recognition based on Teager Energy Operator for linear and mel cepstral coefficients including the Cepstral Mean Subtraction normalization technique. The feature vectors taken into consideration are Linear Frequency Cepstral Coefficients, Teager Energy based Linear Frequency Cepstral Coefficients, Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients and Teager Energy based Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients. A speaker dependent scenario is used. For the recognition process, Dynamic Time Warping and Hidden Markov Models methods are applied. Results show a respectable improvement in whispered speech recognition as achieved by using the Teager Energy Operator with Cepstral Mean Subtraction.


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pp. 3–9


Review Papers

How to Cite

MARKOVIĆ, B. R., GALIĆ, J., & MIJIĆ, M. (2018). Application of Teager Energy Operator on Linear and Mel Scales for Whispered Speech Recognition. Archives of Acoustics, 43(1), 3–9.