Dispersion of Rayleigh Waves in a Microstructural Couple Stress Substrate Loaded with Liquid Layer Under the Effects of Gravity


  • Vikas SHARMA Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab
  • Satish KUMAR Thapar University, Patiala, Punjab




couple stress theory, Rayleigh waves, gravity, characteristic length, liquid loading


Bone loss is one of the serious health issues in bedridden patients or young generation due to lack of physical activities. Mechanical forces are exerted on the bones through ground reaction forces, liquid loadings and by other contraction activities of the muscles. We are assuming an isotropic half-space with mechanical properties equivalent to that of bone exhibiting microstructures. Consistent couple stress theory introduces an additional material parameter called characteristic length which accounts for inner microstructure of the material. Dispersion relations for leaky Rayleigh waves are derived by considering a model consisting of couple stress half space under the effects of gravity and loaded with inviscid liquid layer of finite thickness or a liquid half space. Impact of the gravity, liquid loadings and microstructures of the material are investigated on propagation of leaky Rayleigh type waves. Phase velocity of leaky Rayleigh waves is studied for five different values of characteristic length parameter which are of the order of internal cell size of the considered material. Variations in phase velocity of leaky Rayleigh waves are also studied under the effect of gravity parameter and thickness of liquid loadings.


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pp. 11–20


Research Papers

How to Cite

SHARMA, V., & KUMAR, S. (2018). Dispersion of Rayleigh Waves in a Microstructural Couple Stress Substrate Loaded with Liquid Layer Under the Effects of Gravity. Archives of Acoustics, 43(1), 11–20. https://doi.org/10.24425/118076