Loudness Scaling Test Based on Categorical Perception


  • Bożena KOSTEK Gdańsk University of Technology
  • Piotr ODYA Gdańsk University of Technology
  • Piotr SUCHOMSKI Gdańsk University of Technology




loudness scaling, categorical perception, musical instrument signals stimuli.


The main goal of this research study is focused on creating a method for loudness scaling based on categorical perception. Its main features, such as: way of testing, calibration procedure for securing reliable results, employing natural test stimuli, etc., are described in the paper and assessed against a procedure that uses 1/2-octave bands of noise (LGOB) for the loudness growth estimation. The Mann-Whitney U-test is employed to check whether the proposed method is statistically equivalent to LGOB. It is shown that loudness functions obtained in both methods are similar in the statistical context. Moreover, the band-filtered musical instrument signals are experienced as more pleasant than the narrow-band noise stimuli and the proposed test is performed in a shorter time. The method proposed may be incorporated into fitting hearing strategies or used for checking individual loudness growth functions and adapting them to the comfort level settings while listening to music.


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pp. 637–648


Research Papers

How to Cite

KOSTEK, B., ODYA, P., & SUCHOMSKI, P. (2016). Loudness Scaling Test Based on Categorical Perception. Archives of Acoustics, 41(4), 637–648. https://doi.org/10.1515/aoa-2016-0061

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